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“The beauty of the natural world lies in the details.” - Natalie Angier Author, Scientist & Pulitzer Prize Winner

Are you really outside all the time? What about bad weather?


There is an old Norwegian saying, "There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!"  The beauty of a nature immersion program such as Timber Creek, is it teaches young people the value of all the seasons, rain or shine. When dressed appropriately no one complains about the weather. In addition, Timber Creek has multiple covered areas where we typically eat lunch, play instruments, read, draw and sometimes take shelter in a downpour.


How many children are in each class?


We keep our class sizes very small. Each class has a maximum of 7 children per teacher. This allows us to be able to notice each child's unique gifts, talents and weaknesses which enables us to help them on an individual level while keeping everyone engaged.


How does a young person learn if they are outside all day?

The opportunities for rich, deep learning and understanding is plentiful in nature! Young people are exceptionally curious and learn best in an interest-led and experiential manner surrounded by other young people and a supportive adult. Each day they naturally encounter and resolve complex problems, use reasoning skills (why), science (plants, animals and health), hear enhanced language and communication (lots of talking, asking questions and interacting) and see and enact empathy (care of animals, environment, self and others). They learn how to work and play cooperatively and how to be mindful of their actions at all times. This builds an amazing amount of confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness.

Can my autistic or special needs child attend Timber Creek?

Timber Creek has a special interest in supporting neurodiversity. Roughly 30% of our students fall under this description. It is our belief that society will never be whole and functioning without accepting and knowing how to interact with all types people regardless of their differences. We accept all young people that have the ability to learn and follow our 3 guiding principles.



© 2015 by Timber Creek Farm and Forest School

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