Nature Immersion School
& Children's Therapy
Preschool thru Elementary
Sumner, Washington
Timber Creek is looking to expand!
Currently we are looking for someone that would love to be a lead teacher with our unique program. A lead teacher would have a class of their own 3 days per week with 5-6 children and an assistant. Hours are 8:30 to 1:30 for a part time 15 hour week. A 4 week (2 days per week) unpaid apprenticeship is a requirement of this position as is a full background check. There are also 2 books that are required reading.
Applicants for this position need a heart for children, compassionate communication skills, the patience of a saint, a great love for being outdoors in ALL weather conditions, be in good physical shape and must have a spirit of joy. Along with these traits, those that have experience with children, are studied in early childhood education, development and psychology, are practitioners of yoga or meditation training, are all excellent candidates. Our primary requirement is your genuine interest in positively influencing the children that will be the leaders of tomorrow.
If you feel drawn to our schools mission, please follow our FB page and send an inquiry through our contact page. All initial interviews will be onsite.
This application will close on MAY 15, 2019